PS - 2.1 - INSTALLATION (Legacy)

PS - 2.1 - INSTALLATION (Legacy)

If you already have Sequra integrated in your shop, please contact us through our Technical Support Portal.


SeQura offers a plugin bundle with two modules. One of them is used for credentials configuration, and the other one for product configuration. It is necessary to install both modules.

Once downloaded both modules, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Prestashop back-office.

  2. Click “Modules” and then “Module Manager” in the lateral menu.


  3. Click “Upload a module”, then “select file”. First install the module SeQura Payment Services and then install SeQura checkout.


  4. Refresh the “Module manager” page and type “seQura” in the search bar. If you completed the previous steps, you should see both modules.


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