

Courses/services configuration

  1. Activate “Enable for virtual orders” option.

  2. Default service date: set the period for the end of the course

    1. The format for the duration will be PXY:

      1. X: the number that will define days, weeks, months or years.

      2. Y: one of the following letters:

        1. D for days.

        2. W for weeks.

        3. M for months.

        4. Y for years.

    2. For example, you can define the service duration like this:

      1. 15 days: the code will be P15D.

      2. 6 weeks: the code will be P15D.

      3. 3 months: the code will be P3M.

      4. 2 years: the code will be P2Y.


  3. In case you need to set a different end period or date in a specific course, you can modify it individually in its configuration. You will find the option going to Products → All products. Select the product with the different date. You will see in the right column the fingernail Service end date.


Configuration of courses/services depending on the teaching mode (presential, online or mixed)

Besides the end period or date, we also need to know if the course is online, presential or mixed. You can set this in the product configuration page. Scroll down until you see the configuration section:

  1. Make sure the service is set as Virtual.

  2. If the course is presential, you must disable the Downloadable option.

  3. If the course has downloadable content, you should enable the Downloadable option.

  4. The rest of the configuration must be checked in order to ensure it doesn’t affect negatively to the performance.

CSV configuration for courses/services

If you have many courses with different end dates, WooCommerce allows you to export, edit and upload a CSV list file with your courses and their conditions, so you can avoid editing each product separately.

Note: if you don’t find the columns with SeQura metas when exporting, please introduce the duration manually to one of the courses, save it, and try exporting again.

  1. Go to Products → All products → Export


  2. Type these parameters in the exportation columns field: ID, SKY, Name, Categories. Also make sure the “Export custom meta” is enabled.


  3. The exportation process will begin once you click on Generate CSV, and the file will be downloaded. Open the file with Excel and you should see all the info in one same column.


  4. To see all the info distributed in columns in order to ease the editing, please follow these steps:

    1. Select the first column and click on “Text in columns” in the “Data” tab.


    2. A window will pop up. Select the “Delimited” option and click on “Next”.

    3. On the next screen, select ONLY the “Coma” option and click on “End”.

    4. Now you should already see the info distributed in columns.


  5. You can edit now the column “Meta: sequra_service_end_date” and add the desired end date to each service.

  6. If you want to filter a product to unable it with SeQura payments, you can edit the the column “Meta: is_sequra_banned”, writing “yes”.

  7. Once you have done the modifications you must delete all the columns except for: “ID”, “Meta: is_sequra_banned”, “Meta: sequra_service_end_date”, “Meta: is_sequra_service” and “Meta: sequra_registration_amount”.


  8. Return to WooCommerce → Products → All products and click on “Import”.


  9. On the first step you should do the following:

    1. Select the Excel file.

    2. Check the “Update existent products” checkbox

    3. Click on “Show advanced options”.

    4. Type “;” (semicolon) in the “Delimiter CSV” field.


  10. On the next step WooCommerce will show you the columns that have been recognized as edited. Click on “Execute importing” if they are correct.


  11. The last step will confirm everything went correctly. At this point you can end the process.