

Order reception

Once the module has been installed, your clients will have the option of using our payment methods.

The orders with a SeQura payment method will be in the “Approved” state.

Shipping communication

SeQura needs to know when you ship an order so we can start to manage our operative procedures such as disbursements or sending the buyer the payment instructions. To make this happen, it is necessary that you mark as “Shipped” those orders you shipped to the client.

It is important that you carry this out only when you already shipped the order, and that it reflects any change it could’ve suffered before the shipment, including shipped products, buyer info, addresses, invoicing, etc.


By default the module is already set to send automatically the reports with the updated info.


If there is any problem with this option and it is needed to deactivate it, you can program a request to the URL: https://[commerce]/modules/sequrapayment/triggerreport in a cron, or ask SeQura to included in their cron.


To check the state used for shipping orders is correctly set, follow these steps:

  • Go to Configuration → Orders configuration → States in the lateral menu. Click on the state used to mark a order as shipped (for example “Shipped”).


  • Make sure that the checkbox “Set order as shipped” is enabled.


Data sync

SeQura communicates with the client, so it sometimes can detect errors in the personal data included in the order: incorrect email addresses, incorrect invoice or delivery addresses, etc. In these cases the info is modified in SeQura’s data base and it communicates it to the e-commerce.

You should also modify this info in your backoffice to avoid repeated errors when sending the shipping reports or when communicating with the platform in any other way. Prestashop allows modifying any of this info through Administration → Orders. If the info is related to any product or delivery address, you can click the “Modify” button. Otherwise, if it’s related to the client’s info such as email address, you will see a “See more“ link in the client info section. Click on it and modify the desired info.

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