Widget personalization:

There are currently two widget styles. You can choose which one to show with the “Widget visualization params” field in the SeQura Checkout module:

They can be further customized using parameters in JSON format. Use the widget simulator to design the widget and paste the generated .json code in the “Widget visualization params” field.

The parameters you can modify are the following:

  • type (text, banner o legacy)

  • size (SL)

  • font-color (#rrggbb)

  • background-color (#rrggbb)

  • alignment (leftcenter right)

  • branding (whiteblack o default)

  • starting-text (only as-low-as)

  • amount-font-size (13, 15, 17)

  • amount-font-color (#rrggbb)

  • amount-font-bold (true o false)

  • link-font-color (#rrggbb)

  • link-underline (true o false)

  • border-color (#rrggbb)

  • no-costs-claim (free o without-cost)

If you leave the field empty the default parameters will be {"type":"text", "size":"M", "alignment":"center", "font-color":"#353735"}.