Configuration Process

To configure, go to WooCommerce > seQura

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  1. Go to the "Connection Settings" section. We have two working environments:

    1. Sandbox: This is the testing environment, invisible to customers, where we can run all necessary tests until the integration is complete.

    2. Live: We will activate this environment once the payment method is fully configured and functioning.

  1. Enter the username and password provided by seQura.

  2. In the General Settings section

Allowed IP Addresses: When working in Sandbox mode, only the IP addresses in this field will be able to see seQura integrated on the page. Add the IP and press Enter to confirm it.



Excluded Categories: These are WooCommerce product categories where we do not want to offer seQura as a payment method.

Excluded Products: These are specific WooCommerce products where we do not want to offer seQura as a payment method.

Enabled for Services: Available if your contract permits the sale of services.

Countries: Select the countries where SeQura payment methods should be available. For each available country, add the ID provided by seQura for that country.