Plugins Setup
Once are installed, we can access to the plugin setup from the Admin Backoffice in Magento 2.
- "Merchant Ref", "User", "Password" and "Assets Key": these parameters have been provided by SeQura by email and have been explained before.
- Test IP addrs: this field establishes for which IP's our plugin is active. So, only users using these IP's will see the SeQura Payment Methods during the payment process. This option is the best when you are integrating or testing steps and before going live with all the ecommerce users. By default, it contains the IP from the device that has installed the plugin, and our IP. When you want to set the SeQura Service available for everyone, you will have to leave it blank.
- Mode: SeQura working mode, sandbox or live.
- New order status: State used by approved orders by SeQura.
Payment Methods Configuration
In the same section we will have available the methods: