

Receiving Orders

Once the plugins are installed, the customers will have the option to choose the SeQura Payment Methods.
On the "Sequra Payment Solutions" module configuration it is possible to select the status in which new orders will be marked when they are paid with this method, on the  "New Order Status" field. In this way, the default state is Processing.

If the customer does not finish the validation process, the order will have the "Pending SeQura's approval"  status and the state of the order will be "On Hold". This can ocurr if the SeQura form is configured to be shown at the end of the order process. Orders with this status have not been approved by SeQura, so these orders should not be shipped. However, if the e-commerce has all the information about the order and the customer, would be necessary to contact him and solve the issue.

Shipments Communication

SeQura needs to know when orders are shipped so shopper can receive the payment instructions. To accomplish this, it's necessary that e-commerce mark as shipped every order that is shipped. 

It is important that this is done when order is really shipped and it has to contain every modification or variation done on the order before the shipment, for instance, products shipped, customer data, shipment address, invoice address...

The easiest way to get this done, is to access to the Magento 2 Backoffice and go to Sales → Orders → View 

On the Order details page, press the "Ship" button and then click on "Submit Shipment" on the following page.

If Magento Cron is working fine, daily, it will send a report to SeQura with the orders shipped.