

Module configuration

Once you installed the module, you can access its configuration from the backoffice management:

  1. Acces the module configuration from System → Configuration.

  2. Click Sales → Payment services in the lateral menu.


The first step is to set the module up with the basic information:

  1. Sequra merchant reference (Merchant ID), Sequra username, Sequra password and Assets key: are the parameters that we sent you, which we explained previously.

  2. Modality: the environment you are going to work with (real or test environment).

  3. Enabled only for these IP addresses: sets which IP addresses can view Sequra payment methods and widgets. I.e. only the IPs in the field will be able to see and use our payment methods. By default there will be the browser IP address you installed the module with. When you want to enable the service for everyone you just have to delete all the IPs and leave the field blank.

  4. New order status: the state which the approved orders will be in.

  5. Payment from applicable carriers: you can choose either to show Sequra in certain shipping methods or all of them. This option is very useful if, for example, you have the “Pick up in-store” option and you don’t want to show the “Buy now, pay later” payment method for this shipping method.

  6. Create invoices automatically: if you want the orders to be invoiced automatically once approved by Sequra.

  7. Time to send reports to Sequra: allows you to choose the time when the module will send the reports to Sequra. In addition to this, you can select which parameters you allow to send in this report in Configuration → System → Sequra - Stats.


Payment methods configuration

In System → Configuration → Sells → Payment methods you will see the available payment methods:

  • Buy now, pay later.

  • Part payment.

  • Split in 3

Your configuration options are:

  • Enabled: if you want the payment methods to be activated or not.

  • Widget’s params: to select the theme you want to use for the widget in the product page to inform about the availability of the payment method (see MG 2.3 - VISUAL INTEGRATION).

  • CSS selector: introduce the CSS selector of an element in the product page. The widget will show underneath this element. If the introduced selector is not valid or does not exist, the widget will not show up.

  • Price CSS selector: the CSS price selector can be different in each template, so, it’s important to give the module a correct CSS route in order to be able to read the correct price and calculate the monthly fees.

  • Payment method name: the text that will be visible in each payment method in the checkout page.

  • Selection order: refers to the position the payment method will occupy in the checkout.