Installation and setup
Minimum requirements
Magento: 2.4.3
PHP: 7.4
For older versions, go to → Legacy Integration
If you have already used seQura extensions, you should consider migrating them to a unified extension, sequra/magento2-core
, which contains all configurations in one place. Then, remove any extensions that are no longer needed.
To accomplish this successfully, the merchant should execute the following commands:
To retain the previous configuration, run the following command:
composer require sequra/magento2-core:"<="
Uninstall unnecessary extensions:
php bin/magento module:uninstall Sequra_Campaign Sequra_Splitpayments Sequra_Partpayments Sequra_Invoice Sequra_Card Sequra_MageplazaRewardpoints Sequra_Remotesales Sequra_MagestoreRewardpoints
Remove dependencies for unnecessary extensions:
composer remove sequra/magento2-campaign sequra/magento2-splitpayments sequra/magento2-partpayments sequra/magento2-invoice sequra/magento2-card sequra/magento2-mageplaza-rewardpoints sequra/magento2-remotesales sequra/magento2-magestore-rewardpoints
Require the latest version of the
extension:composer require sequra/magento2-core
Step 1: Installation
To configure the Sequra extension, follow the classic Magento 2 installation process by running the following commands:
Run the command:
composer require sequra/magento2-core
Enable the seQura Core module:
php bin/magento module:enable Sequra_Core
If the Hyvä theme is activated on the website, the following should be executed:
Install via :
Hyvä Compatibility modules that are tagged as stable can be installed using composer via via Composer:
composer require hyva-themes/magento2-sequra-core
Enable module:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Install via Gitlab:
For development of or to contribute to a compatibility module, it needs to be installed using composer via gitlab. This installation method is not suited for deployments, because gitlab requires SSH key authorization.Install via Composer:
If this is the first time a compatibility module is installed via gitlab, the
repository has to be added as a composer repository. This step is only required once.composer config repositories.hyva-themes/magento2-compat-module-fallback git
When the
repo is configured, the compatibility module itself can be installed with composer:composer config repositories.hyva-themes/magento2-sequra-core git composer require hyva-themes/magento2-sequra-core:dev-main
Enable module:
bin/magento module:enable Hyva_SequraCore bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 2: Connect integration
After the installation, you can access the seQura configuration page at Sales → SeQura:
Step 1: Once inside the seQura configuration page, you must enter the credentials (username and password) and select the appropriate environment: Sandbox (testing environment) or Live (production environment).
Step 2: If the credentials are valid, you will be redirected to the next step, the country configuration. This is where you configure the countries in which you want to offer seQura payment methods. Just like in the previous step, it is necessary to add the corresponding merchant ID (username) for each country.
Step 3: After completing the country configuration, we move on to the step for configuring the promotional widgets. Here, you configure the appearance of the widgets. You can find different styles of the widget here: SeQura Widget Simulator
Payment Methods Configuration
You can filter and view the available payment methods for each country in the Payment Methods section.
General settings
Within Settings → General Settings, you will find various sections such as:
Allowed IP Addresses: In this field, you can filter the IPs that will be able to view seQura. If the IP field is left empty, seQura will be visible to everyone. The seQura IP is:
.Excluded Categories: In this field, you can filter categories that will not offer seQura.
Excluded Products: In this field, you can filter products that will not offer seQura.
Countries: In this field, you configure the countries where seQura will be available.
Connection settings
If you need to modify the configuration or disconnect the current credentials, within Settings → Connection Settings, you will find a red button that allows you to disconnect and reconnect the credentials at any time.
Test purchases
Important! Before putting the new payment method into production, we recommend conducting test purchases in the testing environment (Sandbox Mode). This way, both the e-commerce platform and seQura can ensure that everything is working correctly.
Remember, the minimum amount to make a purchase with the "Split Payment" option is €50.00. For amounts below this, this payment method will not be selectable.
Steps to make a Test Purchase in the Testing Environment (Sandbox):
Ensure that you have completed the previous steps of this manual.
Conduct several test purchases and any other tests you desire.
In Sandbox, SMS messages are not sent. The validation code requested during the purchase process will be the last 5 digits of the mobile number provided in the previous step.
In Sandbox, the fictitious card number for testing will be 4716 7730 7733 9777, the expiration date 12/30, and the CVV/CVC 285.
Place promotional widgets
Once the promotional widgets have been enabled and configured in the integration settings, they can be added to the product and cart pages of the store. To do this, it is necessary to use the native Magento 2 mechanism with blocks and widgets.
Step 1: Create a block
To create a block, navigate to Content → Blocks → Add Block. Within the block, you need to place a design component and, inside it, the seQura widget.
To create the block and add the Sequra widget, the Page Builder editor must be enabled.
When creating the block, you need to add a name and an identifier, such as sequra. In the Store View section, select All Store Views. The next step is to edit the block by clicking Edit With Page Builder.
Within the Page Builder editor, add a row. Inside the row, you need to drag and drop the seQura promotional widget.
If there is more than one seQura product contracted, hover over the row you just created and click on the options gear icon ( ). This will open another tab where you can configure the widget you want to display. For example, if you have the "Split Payment" and "Divide in Three" products, you can configure them in different widgets.
Once the block is configured, exit the editor and save your changes.
Step 2: Create a widget
Within Content → Widgets, you need to create a new widget and select the sequra block created in the previous step.
When clicking on Add Widget, configure the Type as CMS Static Block and ensure that the same theme that is active on the website is set.
To view the active theme of the website, navigate to Content → Design → Themes.
Once the type and design are defined, you need to specify the widget name, for example, sequra, and configure on which pages it will be displayed. It is essential to select the option All Store Views in the Assign to Store Views field.
On the same screen, further down, you need to configure the widget's location for the product page. To do this, select All Product Types in the Display On field and choose Product Info Auxiliary Container in the Container field.
In the Widget Options, select the block created earlier and save your changes.
After making this configuration, customers who open the page of a specific product will be able to see options for paying for that product using SeQura payment methods. The promotional widgets use the current product price and take into account any additional costs caused by the specific variation of the product.
Additionally, clicking the +info link in a specific promotional widget block opens more details about the payment agreement for that specific SeQura payment method.
Step 3: Set up the mini-widgets
Remember that you need to activate the widgets you want to display on the seQura configuration page.
Configuration to display the mini-widget in the cart:
Within the configuration of the widget created in the previous step, we can add a new Layout to show the widget in the cart summary. To do this, the following configuration needs to be made:
Display On: Specified Page
Page: Shopping
Cart Container: Cart Summary Container
Just like on the product page, customers can click on the promotional widget link to view more information about the payment options with that payment method.
Configuration to display the mini-widget on the product listing (from the SeQura configuration)
Customers browsing the product listing page in the storefront will be able to see ways to pay for a specific product through SeQura installments in the listing. If the product price is equal to or higher than the minimum product amount allowed by SeQura, the teaser message configured in the store's current language will be displayed.
Otherwise, if the product price is below the minimum product amount allowed by SeQura, the message configured for below the limit will be displayed.
Payment methods interaction
Once the SeQura integration is successfully connected to the shop, customers will be able to select SeQura payment methods on the checkout page as their payment method of choice.
Once the payment method is picked the Sequra form is displayed. After following the instructions described in the form, the payment process should be completed.
If a payment needs to be reviewed by seQura before it can be processed and declared successful, as the last form view there will be a notification about payment revision, before redirecting to the thank you page.
After a successful payment, customer should be greeted by the shop’s thank you page:
Since the payment may need a review from SeQura, merchants are able to check and monitor the payment status in the Magento 2 admin panel in the Orders page.
Order management
SeQura order information
Merchant is able to view SeQura payment information - the order reference and the link to SeQura order on the Order overview page.
Merchant is able to view SeQura payment information on the Order details page.
Update order
Merchant is able to update an order placed with SeQura payment method in the shop system and see that change propagated to the SeQura portal or rejected if the SeQura does not support such a change. The integration propagates changes in billing and shipping addresses.
Ship order
Merchants can either partially or fully ship an order placed with the SeQura payment method using the native Magento 2 mechanism for shipping an order.
Refund order
Merchants can either partially or fully refund order items using the native Magento 2 mechanism for refunding order line items.
To refund an order placed with the SeQura payment method, merchants should open an invoice for the created order and create a Credit Memo.
SeQura integration supports only online refunds:
Cancel order
Merchants can cancel an order made with SeQura payment methods using the native Magento 2 mechanism for cancelling an order. Magento 2 only allows merchants to cancel an order that has not yet been paid and shipped.